HAve Faith

HAve Faith

Friday, February 21, 2014


Ever have a burden of prayer for someone so strong you literally can't do anything but pray for them all day?  That is me today.  There is such a burden and I just keep lifting it.  Then it comes back again...and I lift it again.  It's a burden that Christ keeps laying on my heart to keep me praying.  It's at these times I know I am just the vessel.  Just the vehicle that God has called to obediently use.  So here I am, Lord. 

This burden has reminded me of the power of prayer and how really unstoppable our prayers are through Christ.  Just yesterday and this morning in huge ways God moved in my own life and situations.  Situations I asked faithful prayer warriors to pray about.  Prayer is so important.  And that's why the enemy tries to make it the first thing we let go of, shut out, move away from.  But if we let Christ move through us in prayer, there is nothing He can't do in and through us.

And so with that in mind...I'm praying as God has laid this burden on my heart.  This is the song that keeps coming to mind as I lift it over and over and over...

Barlow Girl  -  Porcelain Heart


1 comment:

  1. Prayer is a very powerful thing! I pray that your burden will be lifted!
